Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Plan....

Peanie is ready to start gardening! The lasagna bed was started yesterday. A layer of cardboard and newsprint was put down followed by one bale of peat. Today we will return to the garden center for more peat and manure compost.

We started tomatoes and chard two days ago. We need to start marigolds and peppers. Seeds will cook upstairs in the guest room till they are ready to go into the ground.

Here is what we plan to grow this year (and what we need):

- 4 varieties started ("4th of July", "Brandy Boy", "Mortgage Lifter", "Yellow Pear"), will use cages or ladders
Swiss Chard - ("bright lights"), already started, will transplant as soon as bed is ready and they sprout
Peppers - variety not chosen yet, will use cages to keep upright
Pole Beans - "Missouri Wonder", haven't decided on teepee or pole for support, will direct sow
Lettuce - organic "gourmet blend", direct sow ASAP
Spinach - organic "bloomsdale", direct sow ASAP
Summer Squash - "early golden crookneck", direct sow
Beets - organic "detroit dark red", direct sow, may not do great this year b/c lasagna bed will be pretty shallow
Cucumbers - "picklebush", bush cucumber, direct sow, will use cage for support
Watermelon - "bush sugar baby", bush-style, direct sow, now sure how to support, will research!
Sweet Corn - "kandy korn hybrid", direct sow

Seeds were purchased at Soil Service last week. Let the fun begin!

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