Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Lettuce Pray (for a great spring)!

Lettuce, spinach, and chard went into the garden today. We put down a little bit of peat and manure, seeded, then added a very thin layer of peat on top of the seeds. Peanie watered. Here's hoping!

BTW... Peanie got her very cool mud suit in the mail today. We promptly put it on and got it very muddy!

The chard that we started indoors has sprouted. No sign of the other plants yet. Grow, grow, grow.

I was reading the March edition of MSL
the other night. She described the way that she is now starting seeds using soil blocks. Now, she gardens in the typical till/turn method BUT.... I think these soil blocks would be PERFECT for the lasagna garden. You could plop the seedlings right into the bed without disturbing the roots while giving it some "soily stuff" to hold onto initially... AND, it would provide a perfect "home" for seeds you are starting in the bed. Now... gotta add those to my "wish list"!

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