Saturday, April 26, 2008

A busy month of growing

April has been a wet month but there have been warm, sunny days mixed in with the rain. The garden is growing and continues to be weed-free! Yay for the lasagna!

Peanie has been "helping" a ton. She likes to play in mulch and she loves to steal packets of seeds. (She also likes to sneak beans). I mulched paths around the garden two weeks ago and put up a temporary rabbit fence on Thursday using bamboo poles and netting. I need to use landscape staples to secure the netting at the bottom. Right now it's more of a cosmetic fence than one that could actually stop a critter.

Pole beans were planted two weeks ago. Corn went in on Monday morning. Today we planted the green pepper, jalapeno, cucumber, and squash seedlings as well as edemame seeds. We are expecting two cool nights so the tomatoes will wait inside till at least May day.

Peanie and I harvested our first handful of greens today when we thinned the lettuce and chard. Small but very tasty. We spent the morning at the Brookside farmer's market. Bags of greens and lettuce were going for $5! Glad that we planted our own.

Speaking of growing your own food.... Michael Pollan had a nice article that affirms gardening in last week's NYT's Sunday Mag.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


The green peppers have finally sprouted and out in the garden, the chard and lettuce seedlings are popping up. This weekend we will transplant the lettuce and chard started indoors to compare.

Our spare-room seedlings were starting to look leggy so I took some advice I found online and rigged up some "reflectors" out of foil. Pretty funky looking and JP is not a fan of having to move seedlings PLUS wacky foil-dealies every time he needs to iron his pants but.... eh.... they'll be in the garden soon.

Jonquils and mini-daffodils are blooming in the side and front gardens. I just found the pale-purple coneflowers that I planted bare-root last fall starting to peak above the ground. Yay! Spring is really here.